Clamping & Auto Loading System for Ring Gears on Butt Welder
- Pneumatically Operated Diameter Correction & Mismatch Correction Clamps
- Z Axis Slide with AC Induction Motors & Encoder System.
- Programmable Gear Loading Position to Compensate Electrode wear-out
- Jerk Free Rapid X Axis Travel with Ramp-up & Ramp-down Provisions.
- Rigid Construction, Easy Changeover of Jaws & many other user friendly features.
- Fully PLC Controlled.
- 50% Cycle Time Reduced than the Existing System available at Customer End.
Twelve systems are supplied so far and are running flawlessly.
Benefits of this SPM over the Manual Process
- 50% saving in Cycle Time. Cycle Time is Just 15 Sec which was 30 Sec in manual operation.
- No Air Pollution – Earlier manual process was emitting too much fume/dust in atmosphere.
- No Sound Pollution – Huge noise of earlier manual grinding process is now eliminated.
- Scrap Refund– Getting some scrap from each component after trimming.
- Easy Tool Changeover, Low Cost Tooling, Maintenance Friendly SPM
- PLC Controlled system with HMI and Hydraulic Power-pack.
- Manpower Saving – Saving of 2 Operators per SPM
Six systems are supplied so far and are running flawlessly.